
Our fabrication and welding shop boasts 12,000 ft2 of workspace, employs up to 50 welding and fabrication personnel, and has a 40 acre laydown area. Overhead cranes with hook heights of 26 feet and lifting capabilities of 30 tonnes - combined with 26' x 24' overhead doors allow for the fabrication of large structural Pipeline components. State-of-the-art equipment allows the fabrication shop to complete all facilities, and support all carbon and exotic metals for piping and structural.

PCWE has a team of highly experienced CWB certified welders capable of fabricating any type of stainless steel, carbon, or metal project you desire. Our team is highly experienced with oilfield, industrial, and commercial applications. We can work from your drawings or create drawings for you. If you are looking for a one-stop fabrication shop, we wish to offer our services. We offer estimates and consultation.